route in bicycle Cutigliano - Discover Cutigliano

route in bicycle Cutigliano the touristical website about Cutigliano

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route in bicycle

route in bicycle

The route starts Capostrada, taking the SS 66 (Abetone-Modena), to Ponte Calcaiola then turn right onto S. Felice Piteccio and go straight up to Villa Piteccio. From here, continue on the main road towards Spinarezza. Once in Poggio alla Cross, hold the left once passed a big boulder, and after fossetto the road S.Mommè-Pian di Giuliano, turn right and then turn left again to Piloni-Lagoni when it meets the street by S. Mommè. Upon reaching the cart road that leads to the parking lot of Prato Lake, take the paved road to Hill Pistoiese, and arrived at Hill Pass, turn right into Pistoia. Once we pass the Cugna and the turnoff for Corbezzi, at the end of a curve, turn left onto Uzzo-Valley Brana. After the church Uzzo, turn right into Camprugnani, and reached the junction with the tower cab Enel, take the street on the left until you reach the bridge Rota. From here right direction Metata, take the dirt road up to the Cross Romito, turn left and then right again. Incontrata the scenic road Germinaia-Iano, turn right into the village of Germinaia and get off in the direction of Pistoia. Cross the bridge over the stream Brana, revenue in the park Villon Puccini. Leaving the park, turn right in Dalmatia and continue for Capostrada.

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